Monday, October 16, 2006

Passion and Purity Brochure

Hey all, you can view the brochure for the Passion and Purity Retreat now.
Passion and Purity Brochure

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Two Posts in a day!

One other thing. Please be in prayer for our very own Charlie Oglesby, who is in Rwanda right now on a short-term mission trip. Please pray that God would bless Charlie with much fruitfulness for the glory of God!

Some Stuff

Hey all. I hope you all are marking your calendars for the Passion and Purity Retreat coming up in a month. More info on that to come, God willing.

The Prepare Website now actually has some audio sermons from Gary posted on it! Go here to listen.

Here is a wonderful account from Sam Storms of seeing Joni Eareckson Tada dance at one of Desiring God's national conferences. I highly encourage you to read it.