Friday, June 23, 2006

Book Recommending

I haven't done this for a few weeks. I was giving y'all a chance to catch up on all your other reading! I would like to recommend John Bevere's book Under Cover. This is an excellent book on understanding how crucial it is to be obedient to God by obeying those God has put in authority. The Bible says that all authority comes from God, and we are wrong to think we can disobey authority and still be obeying God. (With exceptions only when authority is asking us to do something against God's clear commands). To think we are obeying and honoring God if we are not obeying and honoring our bosses, pastors, parents, police, and other authority is to be deceived. God puts all authority in place for our good and His glory. This book has caused me to ask God that He would replace my rebellious heart with a heart that loves and honor authority, realizing that I'm not honoring that person alone, but I am honoring God through my submission to the authority he has put in place. (See Romans 13). Essentially, to honor authority, is to put ourselves in position to receive God's protection, blessing, and to fully understand His will for us.


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